Handheld Inkjet Printer - Sri Lanka

Warranty - 6 Months (1 to 1 replacement comprehensive warranty) Printable - Date, Batch Codes, Bar/QR Codes, Logos, Picture etc...
Delivery time: 1 working days
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Handheld Inkjet Printers are an excellent date and batch coding machine available in Sri Lanka. This machines can code date and batch codes, price and batch numbers and apart from that this also can easily generate and code trackable codes like barcodes and QR codes. 

Handheld Inkjet printers are the fastest moving Inkjet coding machines in Sri Lanka. This coding machine can print on various different substrates (depending on the cartridge used). The handheld Inkjet printer also has the advantage of being available on multi-modes. This machine can operate both manually and also can operate on production online (coupled onto conveyor belts or directly linked to production lines)